Jack Neo's scandal is the hot topic in recent chinese community. You can see Jack Neo's face in almost every Chinese News Paper centrefold. WTF??? He is the Tiger of South East Asia. His young mistress Wendy Chong Jia Yan, who is a model, http://www.modelmayhem.com/827965 has involved in many of his movies. Below is Wendy Chong modeling listing in a modeling website

Wendy Chong
23 years old
Weight: 101 lbs
Measurements: 32-25-34
Shoe size: 5.5
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Long
Eye color: Black
Ethnicity: Asian
WENDY C - Asian, based in Singapore. Done various photoshoots, events, acting and dancing work.
I take each collaboration/work very seriously and invest a lot of time into them. I shoot fashion/beauty/editorial/commercial/fitness.
My time is tight now, so I will only consider TF* with selective photographers/MUA/stylists offering exceptional work that will benefit my portfolio.
For paid shoots, please explain to me your project before i can give you a rate.
To work with me, please email me at tiramisu_wendy@hotmail.com
http://smile2wendy.blogspot.com/ (though is already shut down, but we can still see what her blog look like due to advance technology)
Below is a snapshot of her blog, and some text or photos extract from her blog. And you can see her talk about her feeling, the movie "Being Human" "做人" shooting etc..
Monday, October 19, 2009
I am WENDY - JIA YAN - And what else about me.. Okie,i think i'm lovely, smart, daring, very very imaginatve and i don't love talking to strangers. and most importantly, there's one thing i will never give up no matter how hard it'll be or how many rejections i'll go through, that's acting. Because to perform,to act is not just a dream, but my life. It keeps me going even when life is down. I can only see the real me when i'm performing. It's when im truly enjoying life. Email: tiramisu_wendy@hotmail.com
Monday, September 7, 2009
how can you tell if someone is really happy?
my ans is....I believe god will sent the special someone who can tell....
can anyone tells that i'm once really happy here?

Sunday, October 25, 2009
我很好, 为我加油吧!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
我头痛哦,好像要感冒了。。。。 一定是昨天吹了一天的冷气, 身体好没用啦!
加上最近又没好好照顾身体, 什么好坏的食物,零食都吃。。。。该死~~~~~~
虽然演员和工作人员都因该是最期待后期准备的, 期待电影的放映。 可是我却为什么觉得有点舍不得, 也很担心自己的表现。
其它的事我不敢说,可是,对于演戏。。我敢说我很认真的在学习。演戏是我很喜欢的一件事。 虽然未必能让大家喜欢上我, 但不管是哪一场戏, 我都很认真,想把它演好。为了不让自己失望, 不让大家失望。
昨天有一场戏有舞蹈动作, 我是超紧张的!练习时,一直慢半拍!
Monday, November 16, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009
it's a wrap for movie "beinghumanbeing" !
第一次参与电影,对我来说, 很多东西都很陌生。
谢谢两位副导,Wei Wei,谢谢你一直提醒我找镜头!哈哈~也一直CUE我入境。
Esther~很开心认识你和你合作! :)
谢谢三位化妆师, Vecce,Nicole,Wendy~ 我知道我的头发是最难搞的。嘻嘻~~我家还是没有买HAIR-DRYER哦! 哈哈。
谢谢两位帮我穿美美的, Elisha,nicole~
谢谢Jeremy,你很帅!哈哈。thanks for being patient with me and a great partner!
谢谢Tiffany!what more can i say..... i'm really happy to know you WEN TAI!
还要谢谢所有其它的工作人员,tham, kane, jason, melvin, erica, the PAs who fan us and pass us drinks, and.... many many more of you! looking forward to work with all of you again :)))

Saturday, December 26, 2009
人心真假, 真的太恐怖了。
我很喜欢梁文音其中一首歌, “哭过就好了”。
那些伤害过我的, 使我更强壮。
无论是在工作, 爱情, 家庭,友情, 属于我的每一样东西, 从此以后我都会好好保护。 谁也不要想进入我的生活里。
这些文字, 不属于任何人, 只为了想留下自己的感觉。

Her new blog http://smile2wendy.blogspot.com/ archieve is as follows:
* ▼ 2010 (2)
o ▼ January (2)
+ 有感觉照片在跟你打招呼吗?哈哈。。 今天终于看了AVATAR!我是带着很期待的心情去看。。。...
+ 昨天去看了“爱上意难忘”演唱会。 王识贤很MAN咯! 我最期待的就是徐亨大哥的表演。因为在电视上...
* ▼ 2009 (26)
o ▼ December (5)
+ one more day to 2010!
+ APRIL'S FOOL DAY.....................................
+ 最近这些日子是我22年以来最迷失的一段日子。 似乎连自己都忘了自己是谁。 人心真假, 真的太恐...
+ back from Batam, some photos to share.... . ...
+ it's a wrap for movie "beinghumanbeing" ! “做人”收工了...
o ▼ November (5)
+ 你曾经小心翼翼呵护的。。。她 在哭泣。。。听到了她的哭声吗如果听到了。。能不能停止...
+ 今天终于可以睡到。。。。。嘻嘻 这两三天心情是压力到我差点在片场哭出来。 还好压住了自己的情绪。 ...
+ 在我眼里,爱情,沒有输赢,只有真假。 其实要学会欺骗是很容易的。 忽略一些感觉,逃避一些事...
+ 我头痛哦,好像要感冒了。。。。 一定是昨天吹了一天的冷气, 身体好没用啦! 加上最近又没好好照顾身...
+ my stomach's not well these days.... because ....i...
o ▼ October (6)
+ My E71 is not working anymore!!! :(((( humrrrrr ...
+ so far filming for 'beinghumanbeing' is fun, and i...
+ 只有坚强的面对, 才能创造属于自己的未来, 我很好, 为我加油吧!
+ 以前我每天都希望自己有一天能拍电影, 在大大的银幕看到自己。 连做梦都有梦过!哈哈~~ 现在机会...
+ 我想要的自己。。。沒有局限。。。 如果你相信, 那它就会沒有局限。。 只要你相信, 你就可以依...
+ 在不完美中取得完美
o ▼ September (10)
+ 我很想爱他
+ love my new camera~ :)))) Finepix F70 EXR
+ hate my singtel hua-wei. :(((((( i still have to ...
+ " oh jude" 2.10am now! i just finished talking to ...
+ cakes cakes cakes!
+ how can you tell if someone is really happy?
+ 10 Ways to Have Fun with Boobs
+ FinePix F70EXR
+ movies and more movies!
+ aloha ~
So she is a "professional model". But how the things happen.... Izreloaded provides a photo below for you to imagine...

Jack Neo got an interview with CNN to talk about his recent affairs.
Victim No. 2 (Foyce Le Xuan)

Foyce Le Xuan revealed that Jack Neo pursued her passionately for a year, promising to groom her into second Fann Wong of Singapore. (Jack said,"yup, i will groom you to become my mistress No.2)
More girls are coming forward to tell the truth about their experience with Jack Neo. It's reported that at least 11 more girls are linked to Jack Neo's scandal (I believe more girls are involved)
Victim No.3 (Maelle Meurzec)

A young French student claim Jack Neo hit on her when she was only 16, more than five year ago. Maelle Meurzec, now 21, said Neo harassed her until her family threatened to make a police report.
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